
Most popular music streaming services today

Different people use their phones for different things – some like to play games, others use Betway Sign Up Offer for online betting, and others to stream music. Streaming music is easy, convenient, and much cheaper than buying CDs or digital downloads. But which service should you use?  Spotify Spotify is a music streaming service […]


Betting on Music in the UK

Whenever you think about gambling, it’s usually related to cards, chips, or sporting events such as football or horse racing with the Royal Ascot betting offers 2020. Maybe even dog racing. But we need to stop and ask ourselves: “Is there an end to what people might bet on?” There might not be. One of […]


How Auto-Tune Changed Contemporary Music

We can hardly imagine today’s music without the metallic-sounding resonance of auto-tuned voices. After its unveiling in 1998, on Cher’s track “Believe“, the now famous system caused a revolution not only in the way music is made and produced but also the way it is perceived by the audience. Its application is very wide, ranging […]


4 Cool Music Apps for Smartphones

One of the features the technological advancement has brought us in the past ten years would definitely be massive amounts of media we can access every day via our smartphones, including a betting bonus code whenever we want one. Whether it is books, pictures, videos, or music, there are no limits to what we can […]


Can Artificial Intelligence Compose New Music?

All works of literature and film that tackled the issue of advanced computers and artificial intelligence mostly agreed that there would be no way for a machine to create original, meaningful, and emotional works of art. However, that statement can freely be discarded, as we witness more and more AI systems created specifically for composing […]


Four Traits Of A Catchy Song

Have you ever just randomly heard a song somewhere and had it with you for the rest of that day? Have you ever wondered why that happens? How are we able to not only remember, but be unable to get something out of our heads, when we so easily forget other, more important things? Science […]