4 Cool Music Apps for Smartphones
One of the features the technological advancement has brought us in the past ten years would definitely be massive amounts of media we can access every day via our smartphones, including a betting bonus code whenever we want one. Whether it is books, pictures, videos, or music, there are no limits to what we can access over the small computers we carry in our pockets every day. With this amazing development of technology, the needs of the users have also become greater. When talking about music specifically, it is, among other things, to find the perfect app that will cater to the needs of the users and provide the best experience.
Without a doubt, Deezer is probably one of the best apps you have never heard of. Although a regular music app at a first glance, it reveals a complex structure, with its innovative Flow feature. Flow offers various musical suggestions to new users to pick and learns about the musical taste of the user. Once Flow has collected the necessary data, it will create playlists based on your musical taste. Analyzing the musicians you like, Flow can also suggest to you some musicians you haven’t heard of but may like. It also provides incredible sound quality, as well as the option to save your favorite albums for playing offline.

Google Play Music
Often underrated, this music app that can be used on both Android and iOS systems provides a very good service to its users. This can be seen if we look at its database that has a whopping 30 million songs for its users to enjoy. The users can also choose pre-made radio stations, or create their own, with the ability to upload as much as 50,000 songs precisely for that purpose. Even though it is a default app on many Android phones, and due to the fact that it is mostly overshadowed by other music apps, Google Play Music doesn’t get nearly as much credit as it deserves.

There is no Internet user who is not familiar with the look and the service that the SoundCloud website provides. However, not many people are familiar with the app they developed both for Android, as well as for iOS systems. There are countless music apps out there that allow you to listen to well-established, mainstream artists that are found on the top charts every day. SoundCloud provides different opportunities to its users: to dive into the world of lesser-known, experimental, and up-and-coming artists, which is ideal for those who are tired of listening to the same music every day. This app is also handy for musicians as well, as it has the option to record and upload audio from your phone to the website.

YouTube Music
YouTube has launched a new app for music fans to enjoy. Its users can choose from over 30 million music videos, consisting not only of studio recordings, but also of live performances, covers, and remixes that the app suggests to you. There is a possibility of endless music playing, and the users can also opt to turn off the video when streaming.